Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sharepoint list definition check if already exists

Here is the article on how to check if a list is already exists or not before you create any list using list definition from sharepoint If you create list definition from VS and deploy it, For every deploy it will delete the list if already exists.

To aviod that we need to modify the SharePointProjectItem.SPDataItem file in VS

Just set "DeploymentConflictResolutionBehavior" to "None" will stop deleting the list eventhough if exists

Here is the sample XML code..


Thank you !!

Anchor tags not working in firefox

Here is the simple issue fixed when working with HTML. This is kind of a browser compatibility issue.

In my sharepoint page we have created a CEWP and placed some HTML code along with anchor tag bookmarks features.

But Book marks is working fine in IExplorer and not working in Firefox.

This got fixed by removing the "#" from the name of the Div tag name of the Bookmark.

Thank you !!

Hide ribbon in sharepoint


With small css property you can hide the ribbon control in sharepoint

Here is the code for that


Just put the above code in master page of the sharepoint site..

Thank you !!

visual studio 2012 assembly

While starting with new sharepoint applications with framework 4.0 or 4.5

After you create and deploy any new sharepoint application. You cannot see the DLL to be deployed to


For all the framework 4.0 and more DLL's will be deployed to the new location


The reason behind this is the older version framework till 3.5 are using by CLR 2.0 and from 4.0 it got converted to CLR 4.0 version.

Multiple CLR cannot do compilation from the same location of assemblies

That is why this change happened...